21 Dec 2018: Year In Review
As we reflect on the activities that took place on the ground in Madagascar in 2018, the PIVOT team is both excited and grateful to share some of this year’s major highlights. Thanks to a passionate staff, dedicated partners, and our steadfast community of supporters, our work to deliver health care and reduce unnecessary suffering has continued to improve population health in Ifanadiana District.
Please enjoy some of our favorite moments captured this past year:
Treated over 100,000 patients, bringing the total number of patients cared for by PIVOT to over a quarter of a million.
Expanded community health program from 5 to 7 communes; built 9 new community health posts, extending access to care to over 20,000 more people for a total of 91,000 people covered at the community level.
Expanded PIVOT’s “model” support package to 2 more primary health care centers.
Improved readiness at the district hospital, notably including 8,000 tests performed in the laboratory, many of which would have previously needed to be done outside of Ifanadiana District.
Responded with support to communities affected by cyclones.
Launched maternal and reproductive health care activities at the health center level, now extending access to family planning options, increasing the rate of safe deliveries in health facilities, and improving pre- and post-natal care for mothers and children.
Published two articles in BMJ Global Health citing major improvements to population health and making a case for our integrated approach.
Provided social support to over 2,000 families in need through case management, provision of meals, home visits, reimbursements for health services, and more.
Convened scientific collaborators from around the world for the second annual Crucible for Planetary Health conference in Madagascar.
Treated nearly 20,000 children under the age of 5.
Launched a rolling stretcher prototype pilot to improve referral rates from communities that are inaccessible by car.
Sensitized over 12,000 community members and health workers on a variety of public health issues.
Trained hundreds of PIVOT and government staff and community health workers in subject areas ranging from clinical procedures to project management.
Accompanied Madagascar’s Minister of Health at the WHO’s Global Conference on Primary Care.
All of this and more has contributed to significant improvements to the health of the population, which we have been able to observe through our rigorous data collection and analysis.
With each passing year, we grow more resolute in our belief that providing equitable access to care is not only essential, but achievable. From service delivery milestones to achievements in research, this year’s highlights reflect tangible progress toward achieving our goal to transform Ifanadiana District into a scalable model health system for Madagascar. As we continue onward toward our vision of eliminating needless suffering, we thank you for your ongoing partnership and look forward to continuing this journey with you in 2019.