27 Mar COVID-19 Is Spreading In Madagascar
Madagascar confirmed its first case of COVID-19 on Friday March 20, 2020. As of today, there are 26 confirmed cases, with more being identified every day. The national government has instituted a Health State of Emergency and implemented overnight curfews and lockdowns in major cities.
People living in places that lack strong health systems and supply chains are particularly vulnerable during epidemics. This is especially true in places like Madagascar, where many are already immunocompromised due to common underlying conditions such as malnutrition, tuberculosis, and diarrheal disease.
Our field staff and partners are well-trained and experienced in managing disease outbreaks such as plague and measles. As we speak, they are establishing emergency measures across all levels of care – community, health centers, and the district hospital – to develop protocols that will guide community sensitization, safe patient flow, and high-quality care for individuals with COVID-19 and other illnesses.
We are rapidly placing urgent orders for essential medicines, supplies, and equipment including test kits, personal protective equipment, and oxygen concentrators totaling to approximately $250,000 and WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.
The need for strong and resilient public health systems is never clearer than during a crisis like this one. Our response to the COVID-19 epidemic rests not only on the procurement of supplies and implementation of emergency measures, but also on our ongoing, unchanged strategy of strengthening the entire health system.
As we prepare for what is yet to come in the COVID-19 pandemic, we are carrying our regular work forward to ensure that every patient has continued access to the quality care they need, that facility-based deliveries are still safe, that children in the pediatric ward are not made more vulnerable through accidental exposure, and that our routine essential services continue without interruption.
We need our community now more than ever, and are deeply grateful for your support and solidarity during this challenging time. Please consider supporting our response to this crisis by making a donation today: BIT.LY/39QMLCS